We understand that you may have questions about our fuel delivery services, heating solutions, and more. Our FAQ section is designed to provide clear and helpful answers to the most common inquiries we receive. Whether you’re looking for information on pricing, delivery schedules, or energy efficiency tips, you’ll find everything you need right here. If you don’t see your question, feel free to contact our team – we’re always here to assist you.
First, be sure that the emergency oil boiler switch at the top of the stairs is on, and check breakers or fuses. Second, check to see if your fuel source is out, such as home heating oil or propane. Next, press the reset button on your primary control once only. If the burner came on after resetting, it is just temporary. The problem occurred already, call services (802-463-3122) and don’t wait till you have to press it again. You also can check on your thermostat, it should be set above room temperature. Additionally, check batteries, and if your thermostat is programmable turn on the setting “heat”, be sure it is set to the “ON” position.
For propane tanks outside your home, please keep an eye on the gauge on the tank. It shows the level of the tank in percentages (%) and not in gallons. We recommend not letting your gage go below 20%. For the customers with automatic status of deliveries, we control the deliveries.
First check your emergency switch, breakers, or fuses. Second, check to see if your fuel source is out, such as home heating oil or propane. Next, press the reset button on your primary control only once to restart your burner. Lastly, call your service provider.
It is highly recommended that your furnace or boiler be cleaned after every heating season. Thorough maintenance of your burner prolongs the life and efficiency of your unit.
Do regular checks on the packings in your faucets and make sure your toilets are not leaking through. Make sure you have a faucet aerator; this is an inexpensive way to conserve your water usage.
It is recommended that you keep your thermostat 2 degrees below a comfortable setting. While your body adjusts, so will your pocketbook.
You can hook up another heat source in the same chimney, however, it needs a separate flue. Most chimneys are only one flue, be sure to get this professionally checked.
Fuel Budget Assistance
We understand the hardship of winter, and our collaborative work with state-provided fuel assistance programs allows us to provide heating and services for those who are in need. Please see the list of programs below. You will have to make a phone call and go through an application process with the state assistance office and call us when you need a delivery.